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Week 1 - Artists - Bailey Sarian & Jeffree Star


Updated: Jun 5, 2022

To begin, Bailey Sarian is a makeup content creator who uses her platform to do her makeup as well as telling a murder/crim story. She calls this murder, mystery, and makeup mondays and thousands upon thousands of people sit down Monday and tune into her videos to hear the riveting true crime story while watching her do beautiful and outstanding makeup looks. Jeffree Star is also a makeup content creator who seems to live a more lavish lifestyle. Always showing his fans what he is doing and how he is succeeding with his makeup brand as well as his other business endeavors. I perceive Bailey Sarian to be kind hearted and determined in the ways of creating content and flawlessly telling gruesome crime stories while still being light hearted and inviting. I perceive Jeffree Star to be extremely knowledgeable about makeup and its useability, however in the other facets of his life I find him to be a bit shallow and it seems as though the money has gotten to his head. Both Bailey and Jeffree’s channels feature makeup, stories, and humor. Bailey and Jeffree are different because Bailey is telling a story about a crime that had been committed, shedding light on the horror that some people can inflict. While Jeffree’s stories include a bit more personal drama, his whole life is on the internet which made me feel like I knew him back in the day, but not anymore due to his scandals and decision to take a step back from Youtube. On the other hand, I feel like Bailey is my cool aunt or sister who teaches me about makeup while also educating me. Lastly, Jeffree’s channel is very performative, he seems to be putting on a show every time I watch him. While Bailey does not, sure she is performing for the camera just by being on Youtube but I do not think she over does any of her videos.

If I was going to start a Youtube channel I would want to model mine after Mrs. Sarian. I think my channel would be different because I might also do hair. She solely does makeup which is beautiful and amazing but I would want my channel to maybe have hair tutorials included and or just general skin care. My channel would be the same in the fact that I would talk about true crime. That is my favorite genre of podcast and I am always intrigued to find a new story and learn about it. My goals would be to educate and show the craziness that this world can be. By being transparent about crime and sadness, people can become less naive and better equip themselves if there is something that goes wrong.



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