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Week 11 - Artist Choice - Burtonesque


What makes Tim Burton and Lori Mitchell’s work stand out to you?

How have they both changed your view of dark art?

Compare and Contrast the two artists

What do you like about the two artists and their works

For the first trying I decided to re-create the tooth fairy in a more Burtonesque way. I took inspiration from the bigeyes that Tim Burton typically adds to his characters looking at the corpse bride I noticed her eyebrows and have always liked them. So I added them to my tooth fairy. Although this is not traditional Burtonesque, A lot of the elements included in the drawing take from his artwork. In the next drawing I decided to make the Easter bunny in a Lori Mitchell art form. Drawing on her large torso skinny leg idea I decided to create this childhood character to be whimsical and also unique and interesting. I wanted to include the big eyes in the easter bunny art as well. the tired or overworked look is so key in this and I feel as though I resonate with that in my daily life, I am working 8-5 every day and I am very tired and feel like sometimes I look as though I am Overworked and tired.

I truly enjoyed this piece of artwork and have shown it to my loved ones. Some love this and some are creeped out but I think it shows my style and who and what I like to watch and see.


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