To begin, Tim Burton is an extremely well known artist as well as creator in general. He designed the “burtonesque” art form many many years ago. From movies to beginning with ballpoint pen drawings he has shaped what dark whimsical art is. As for Lori Michell she is known as a folk art/sculptor. Although her art is not as dark as Burton’s, her unique portrayal of humans in her seasonal figurines I think shows a little bit of burtonesque nature. Something that stands out for me with Tim Burton is the way he draws and creates characters. With oblong heads and skinny limbs. I have alway admired his created mind and how he can just think of this kind of character and give it a full personality and life. Something that stands out to me with Lori Mitchell is that she uses the long leg look just as Burton does however all of her figurines are mainly seasonal kids. For some it can seem creepy or weird but in the eyes of someone who enjoys the creative nature of it enjoys the uniqueness of it. Seeing both of their art has made me love seeing abstract art and has deepened my appreciation for claymation and sculpting. Some similarities that Burton and Mitchell have is that they both use unique body forms to create eye-catching art. They do have more differences than similarities however I still feel like they resemble each other. A difference is that Mitchell only creates figurines while Burton typically creates movies and shorts. Through the lease of a movie or short, we are able to see the stationary characters come to life. I love Tim Burton’s work because it is unapologetically different and there is no shame in being different. He makes the most creative movies with very intriguing stories and plots. Lori Mitchell is an artist I only found last year when a family friend gave my mom the figurine for Christmas. The whimsical long legs and big bellies just make me happy to see because again, finally something different!! If I were to create a figurine or claymation movie I think I would maybe make it a fantasy, figurines could be dark versions of the common mythical beings. Easter Bunny, Santa, Tooth Fairy (rather than being so bubbly and sparkly, maybe we make them into a dark being) Of course, no intention of children see this work because it would ruin their belief in the entity.
I really enjoyed being able to pick the two artists, I did feel like I had a hard time deciding on the questions for it but overall, I love both artists and really think their art speaks to me