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Week 2 - Artists - Juliana Cerqueira Leite & Tara Donovan


Juliana Cerqueira Leite is a sculptor based in New York who pushes the envelope of traditional sculpting with her work. Juliana aims to show the human body and its presence in art through her large pieces. Her content consists of celebrating the human body and its ability to do things. She says in a Metal Magazine piece, “What makes you human isn’t some sort of human soul. Your “essence” is disloyal to your form.” (Juliana Cerqueira Leite) Some themes in her work are not so much anatomical but it fully embodies an anatomical like look and feel. Her goals seem to be to shed light on the human body and show that the body is capable of so much more than the “fixed or recognisable body form” (Metal Magazine) Moving to Tara Donovan, she created large scale installations as well as many other forms of art. Her work seems very different from that of Juliana but in a way seems the same. Donovan’s art uses everyday objects as well as art supplies to create illusions it almost seems. A theme that I have noticed from Tara Donovan is that she uses household items in her sculptures in such a grand way. Something that Leite and Donovan’s work have in common is that they are both large sculptors, most of their art is large and in charge. However Donovan seemed to have taken a more “practical approach” by using those everyday items whereas Leite uses plaster as her main form of sculpting material. I think my focus would be more of a donovan-esque approach. Her installation titled, Styrofoam Cups is so amazing and eye catching. The way she has sculpted something so grand and a piece that looks just like a billowing cloud however it is made from cups? Amazing. Something that would be amazing to see and make is just like her Fieldwork piece is to make objects like a virus, or other biological occurrences, even blood cells out of household everyday items. My goals would be to bring a person's eyes to my sculpture and leave them wondering, what materials, how did they do this, but never what is it? With each glance at Donovan’s art I know what each thing is supposed to be but I wonder every time how she does it? What did she use? How long did this take? All of the above. I do like both of these artists and really felt drawn to Leite’s pieces because she is representing all bodies in her work and the capabilities they are all able to do as humans.

The End! :)

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