I think in comparison to the actual map, mine is fairly similar. In my Map I
highlighted the places that I went the most in my five years at CSULB. I found it easier to draw around those certain buildings rather than start somewhere that I wasn’t very familiar with. As for the streets, I drove up and down Atherton and Paulo Verde way to many times to count So I had to add those in as well for a base. Often times during my time instead of sitting on my computer or on my phone I would just walk the campus to see other buildings where things were other parking lots just to get some fresh air, so I feel like that benefitted me greatly. I didn‘t go into great detail about any building and tried my best to name all of them but some of them I just never explored or even went by in the 5 years on campus. I learned from my drawing that my spatial awareness is not as good as I once thought. My first attempt I drew everything too big and had to redo it on to tapes pieces of people in order to be able to full draw out what I was imagining about the campus. What I forgot to add more detail to was the USU, I barely every went there besides recruitment for my old sorority. Besides that I really didn’t even think to go there besides the Coffee bean which I would treat myself to on occasion.. Another thing I forgot was the entire nursing building. I used to park in parking lot 1 most of freshman through junior year but somehow I just didn’t even add it into my drawing. I also forgot a lot of those smaller buildings, design, Health and human services, and so many others that I honestly knew existed but nevear entered them or put the effort into really knowing where they were on a map. I think this tells me that although I spent days an hours walking the campus, I still had so much to look at and find. My experience on campus I think reflects in this drawing because it shows my focus on my major and the classes and places I worked in in order to gain the credits to graduate. I have attached a picture of the drawing as well as my beginning page where I just royally messed up. Thanks!